Don’t worry if you just have one food, you can make any concepts from just one food. For example, these are my photos. I had a pack of cookies and I used two concepts for this time. One, the cookies in the afternoon, and another one the cookies in the morning.
How about the property? Can we use it twice or more? The answer is, absolutely you can! These photos are the examples. I used a bottle of beer named Bisquit as the background in donut picture. And I used a bottle of beer named Baileys as the point of interest in another picture. Actually, the both of that beer bottle are different, but they are still beer bottles. They are same. So, don’t be hesitate to use your properties twice or more, just take it with differences angle or concepts.
Saya suka foto yang nomor 1 dan nomor 3, menurut saya maksud dari foto ini dapet...
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